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Blue diamond (orange) | Jan25
Innovation awards

Swedish agricultural cooperative Lantmännen has invested SEK 1.2bn (approx. $116.8m) in a new manufacturing facility for plant-based proteins.

The plant, located in Lidköping, Sweden, represents the ‘largest investment of its kind’ in Sweden according to Lantmännen.

It will mainly produce plant-based proteins from peas, but will also use fava beans as raw material. Approximately 35,000 tonnes of peas and 5,000 tonnes of beans will be processed each year in the plant, and a total of 7,000 tonnes of protein isolate will be produced annually.

The company’s ambition is to contribute to increasing Swedish cultivation of peas by 50%, from about 80,000 tons of peas today to around 120,000 tons. Peas and field beans offer various environmental advantages, requiring relatively little water and plant nutrients to grow. They also bind nitrogen in the soil and have many uses.

Additionally, increasing the use of domestically grown plant-based proteins will reduce the share of imported soya in Swedish food production, providing further sustainability benefits.

The plant, which has a total of 5,300 square metres of production area, is expected to be completed in the first half of 2027 and will create approximately 30 new jobs. It will complement Lantmännen Biorefineries' previous three facilities in Norrköping, Kimstad and Lidköping.

Lars-Gunnar Edh, head of Lantmännen Biorefineries’ energy division, said: “Lantmännen Biorefineries already produces wheat and oat protein in our facilities in Norrköping and Kimstad, and now we are taking another step by also using legumes as a protein raw material”.

He added: “We see a steadily increasing demand for plant-based proteins and together with our members, active Swedish farmers, want to be a leader in this development and production. It is a long-term investment for Swedish agriculture and Swedish food production.”

#Lantmännen #Sweden

Lantmännen invests SEK 1.2bn in new plant protein manufacturing facility

Melissa Bradshaw

6 September 2024

Lantmännen invests SEK 1.2bn in new plant protein manufacturing facility

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