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Blue diamond (orange) | Jan25
Blue diamond (purple) | Jan25

A research collaboration between Mycorena and Revo Foods that aims to enable the creation of more realistic seafood alternatives has received €1.5 million in EU funding.

The partnership, which is exploring the potential to use mycoprotein in 3D-printed plant-based seafood products, was first announced in October.

The collaborating partners have now received €1.5 million from Vinnova, Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft and Eurostars.

The EU-funded grant is allocated towards developing mycoprotein optimised for 3D printing – or additive manufacturing.

One of the advantages of the protein is its fibrous structure which mimics the texture of fish. However, this is a barrier when it comes to 3D printing, as the technology is often only able to print paste or mixtures with the right fluidity.

The project aims to develop new technologies and processes to produce mycoprotein suitable for additive manufacturing.

Mycorena says that it has already developed a process of treating the protein to tailor the structural properties and reduce the risk of fibre entanglement during the extrusion step.

#3Dprinting #Mycorena #RevoFoods

Mycorena and Revo receive EU-funded grant for plant-based seafood project

The Plant Base

30 January 2023

Mycorena and Revo receive EU-funded grant for plant-based seafood project

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